Our trip to China

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Off And Running . . . Literally

It is Friday January 31st and this day had a very early start. We got up at 4:50am to get ready to go and our good friend Tom showed up right on time at 6:00 to pick us up. We debated on the way if we had time to stop at Starbucks and thankfully decided not to because when we arrived at the airport and got into line we were informed that our flight to Chicago was delayed for 3 hours. Next we were told that it would be impossible for us to make our connection to Beijing. We were a little stressed to say the least – the solution came in the form of switching to Northwest Airlines, but not until we had endured the SLOW –“ I’m going to do this by-the-book even if I have to make 55 phone calls” United Airline Agent. Our agent with Northwest literally got into an argument with this man about releasing our tickets to her – and we never would have made the flight at all if she wasn’t kind enough to begin processing our luggage and paperwork without tickets in hand. So with 17 minutes until flight time we start running down the hall to security. Guess what? We were all 3 chosen for “special security screenings” which involves removing your shoes, having a thorough going over with “the wand”, a partial physical pat-down, and every piece of carry-on luggage we had being opened and gone through by hand! We were very stressed by this point, wondering if we were also going to miss our new flight with Northwest. We literally ran down the concourse at a full sprint and got to the plane just before they closed the door. When we sat down in our seats I thought I just might throw up from all the excitementJ. Thankfully God was gracious to us and we made it safe and sound – on that leg of the flight anyway.

We were also privileged to have a great talk with one of the flight attendants on our flight. She and her husband are considering adopting from China. Today is her last day of work and we just “happened” to be on her flight. I hope our conversation was as encouraging to her as it was to me. She had some questions about the adoption process – I hope all goes well for them – it is so exciting to think about the possibility of another precious little girl finding a “forever family”.



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