Prayer Request
A quick prayer request - one of the members of our group from Louisville was checking on the flight home and discovered that several families (including ours) have had their return flights cancelled. We will have to wait until tomorrow to work this out because the travel agent who made the arrangements is closed. We are hoping that this will not be a problem - the flight we were scheduled on from Hong Kong to Chicago was already overbooked when we had reserved seats so I am not sure what will happen now. Pray it will not be a longer flight arrangement! Oh how I am dreading that flight home! :) Angie
Our prayers have been going up for your return flight since this morning. Sent you a note then but do not see it posted. Am trying to duplicate it. (All I could think about was your trip TO China and how you just "happened" to be on plane with a stewardess on her last day of work who was thinking of adopting a child from China. EVERYTHING works for good for those....etc.) Praying, praying, praying! Love, Mom N.
Anonymous, at January 9, 2005 at 6:34 PM
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