We are home!
It is Tuesday morning at 3:49am. Great time to be typing a post - don't you think? This is our 4th night home. The first night went pretty well, Chloe slept all the way through the night but Dave, Melissa, and I could not. The second night was a very difficult one. Chloe woke up at midnight and was awake until about 4:30. She spent most of that time screaming. It was really hard because she didn't seem to be comforted by the things that you would normally do for a baby. She didn't want to be rocked, walked, fed, patted or put down. When I held her she would push against me and struggle as if she wanted to be put down - but if I did she would just scream even louder. Dave and I both were just about to our wits end by the time 4:30 came around and she finally fell asleep. Needless to say when the other kids woke up at 8 we both felt like mush.
The nights since then have gone better - she is still waking up but is not screaming like she did that night - just normal crying. I wonder if all of the stress of the trip and the changes just built up inside of her - and all came out that night. Of course we are trying to keep her (and ourselves) awake at the right times during the day and asleep at the right times at night - unfortunately our bodies do not cooperate easily. The jet lag is much more difficult coming home than it was going the other way. I'm sure this is partly to do with how much more tired we are here at home after the trip. Anyway I'm sure that time will sort it all out - but in the meantime - :(.
Tomorrow (or today depending on how you look at it) Melissa and Benjamin go back to school. Life slowly returns to normal. I'm sure it will be hard for Melissa who hasn't had a full night sleep yet. Keep us in your prayers - you are in ours also! --------Angie